Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let me begin this blog with a poem long ago written for an open competition. I am sure not many has read this one but as a conventional norm, I will start with this (for now my dumb thick skull remains lethargic)....Have a happy reading

Prime Minstrel Dream
Enlivened by the expound dreams of a revered king,
Enviable path eloquent and audacity doth swing;
Towards achieving Bhutan disengaged from insidious corruption,
And build in one dream, the Heavens nation.

Ostracism soothed by equity,
Justice and parity triumph, sanctify us almighty!
Every boy and girl acquire same education,
Every man and woman treated alike, no gender discrimination.

Clean and emerald, our land, fresh water in plenty,
Nurture the nature promulgates, dearth and famine scanty;
A tree for a generation, for the existence to come,
A milieu for a nation, Shangri-La to become.

Let the populace be content, juvenile and old,
Every citizen is brave, youths are bold;
Subsist with their voices heard above,
Gross National Happiness, the celestial concept we love.

As I envisage, the trance of being a Prime Minister,
Days elope nights, summer befall winter;
Placid zephyr of peace and serenity prevail,
I pray, glee and love, all and sundry avail.

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